Thursday, December 29, 2005

Applied Principles of Effective Living.

have u ever invested too much of your feelings in someone and yeah, like the person just doesn't accept your feelings.

You just don't know what to do. Should I just get carried on by the life current, or persist and believe.

I wish I knew who I was... The people around you, you meet, define who you are. I can't define myself. Not even with a mirror, because then, I would be laterally inverted. It's best to base it on other's judgement.

Music doesn't appeal to my senses anymore.

You're not me. and I chose my friends because I thought they formed a reflection of myself. - Chapterhouse Dune

A few random thoughts:
I need to remember, and live by a strong sense of purpose in life, or I'd get swayed by the wind, carrying other people's ideas.

And 'life is transient', and all that. Therefore, I should be happy. Let me be at peace and tranquility, or at least most of the time, until the end of my days.

Let me be never resentful of hardship, nor of the hurt unknowingly caused by other people. Let me understand people, before getting myself understood, lest causing unneccessary harm to other people.

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