Saturday, May 08, 2004

I killed a COCKROACH

... today, with insect spray. I'm fearful of cockroaches. These are nasty black things with a hard shell. They have survived on earth for over 340 Million Years... (see article: Cockroach Info From Y2K Commission)

It crept out in the open - on the kitchen floor - as if mocking me. After spraying a cockroach, it might not die instantly. In fact, it's almost bulletproof. I suggest spraying it spot on, or the tricksy little creatures will escape!

After the initial spray, the cockroach had crawled back slowly into the nearby hole in the kitchen wall. I sat around and waited. Anxious not to let the cockroach escape, I fired a lethal dose into the hole. I retreated to watch.

It crawled out again! The lethal dose got him. This was a victory and I left the scene of my crime. I revisited it a minute later to gloat over my success. The cockroach had crawled away! This was more than 2 metres from where I last saw it. It was upturned. Probably it was going crazy with the drug.

It struggled with vengeance as it saw me coming close. I recoiled when I saw it. I'm no less sympathetic. I tried to get away from the cockroach in the event that it might be playing dead and will take off, flying after me. It is after all, capable of such wicked deeds! I've seen such things before! I left the area to breathe some fresh air.

When I got back after a while, the cockroach had moved again - I blinked in disbelief - about one metre from it's previous position! A dose of fear crept up my shoulder. It was not dead yet - only upturned. I summoned the courage to finish it. I took up the spray can where I left it. I approached the struggling insect cautiously with a malicious intent. The first time around, I missed. There was a number of times - until I'm sure it took direct hit. Even then you must allow time for it to die. The sight of the legs clawing into air filled me with immeasurable guilt. (I supressed an evil laugh.) It was difficult to confront.

Yes, this is a confession! I admit that killing a cockroach isn't easy to me. It ain't anything to be proud of - it's a weakness! (Why am I even noting down these things?) My policy of confrontation! o.O I'm done for.