Sunday, September 18, 2005

9 to 5 till I'm 95?

Dun get a Job. It sucks the marrow out of life. Every single drop of blood that you have will be used to grow money (yours and other people's), the root of all evil. Now that you realise how expendable you are in society, where's your noble purpose in being born into this world? =(

My father is now working as a taxi cab driver. Taxis are rented from the cab company. You'd have to work in a partnership to maximise profits, and leisure time. He works the morning shifts. Apparently, he complains that the working conditions are tough. He has to work 8 hours a day, 7 days a week. It was much worse than my experience @ McDonalds. Sitting in a cab all day long means immobilisation, causing his backside to hurt much. It's a dog's life!

The old generation wants to complain to the government. WTF. Dun just think about the young as the ultimate source of new ideas. The old are deep troughs of wisdom.

So what would happen when MY GENERATION gets old? A new generation of leaders take over, and we see the same thing happening again. Late retirement age - but no chance of getting another job if you're retrenched/fired, when you're above 50. Because people think you're too old, and young people can be molded. Because they say you can't teach an old dog new tricks...

So WTF, is that bad policy or what? Let's bring down the government.

I read the news today, oh boy. It seems that more and more blogs are being dealt with for writing inflammatory remarks. They are currently centred on racist remarks, but lets hope it doesn't go further, and regard every domestic complaint as treason. Where would be our freedom of speech? Big brother is watching.

Suddenly, I recall the movie Animal Farm...

* * *

Back to teen angst...

I have this friend in Temasek Poly that I cherish a lot. I thought we hit off well in the beginning. Well, we're always talking to each other on the bus, on the way home. We live near each other. But well, she seems to think otherwise. When the holidays come, I just get ignored. Ignored. and ignored... (play LINKIN PARK song!!)

In the previous term holiday, I've suggested, 'how about we go out and have fun' - since it ain't fun ghosting about the streets alone anymore. Well, it seems that she's not interested in hanging out with me, because she'd rather be with her other friends. Or like Hideki (Chobits) would say, "she probably thinks I'm a pervert". =)

What's this? I thought we were friends. At least, reserve some time for me? Even though we're of opposite sex, we could at least be good friends with each other. But apparently, our interests diverge. Because you seem to be the only friend I can count on, and maybe, share problems with. She was the first real friend I made in TP.

Well... that's tough! I'm listening to find ways to disappear completely, since the world is such a cruel place. So where do I find friends nowadays? I'm suppressing the impulse to talk to strangers, a rather complex issue, I thought. How many people would answer you? What did I think this was? IRC? The real world had its limits...

But I can't help it sometimes. I see students in Chung Cheng High School Main uniform, and I try very hard to shut up. Damn. Those were the days. I miss my misspent days in Secondary School. Instead of studying alone, I could have been flirting around, scoring goals, and making the most of life.

This is my cartoon:
But well, here I am.
Half the road left behind,
mountains to scale up ahead.

A ten foot truck roars past,
and the occupants inside make fun of me;
"Yo.. loserrr!"
They laugh and kick up the dust as they disappear into the distance

Looks like I can draw out a spongebob movie.

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