Monday, June 19, 2006

This morning I spent much of my time bumming about... I tried to find the LOTR's E-book collection online, but failed to succeed.

doo-n-doo do wah ~ t?

Just practised what I learnt from the choir's latest song, Big Spender, using Noteworthy to key in the first two bars. I want the rhythm to sink in my head. It took some time, but I understood the counting process. Count in the head.

It sounds like I'm a damn noob... But I ain't very clever. It's simple 4/4 timing... damn easy lo.. If my maths was good, I could tell str~ away, by dividing the 4 counts into 8 counts.

* Process :
Divide the content of a bar into it's constituent count units (ie. quarters).
Further divide the count units into halves (eg. 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+) - simplifying if possible.

I also tried playing the notes on the guitar.. Felt damn cool, but my rhythm ain't that good.

So tired. Drank 3 glasses of red wine @ my cousin's wedding yesterday, but manage to neutralise with jasmine tea, Ginko Biloba, and a cup of coffee. Then I stayed awake until 2+ PM. going crzy.

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