Friday, November 19, 2004

Identity Crisis

Some people are just so nice in this world. I find myself drawn inward their social circle.

I hope I have found somewhere I belong. I really long to be part of their circle.

Surround your life with friends and every single day, lead a happy, carefree life...
Free from all worldly desires. (Maxims by Zhu Zi)

Yes. How tempting! Yet, who does not dream of that?

Time in solitude forced me to face my inner demons. I couldn't face them alone, and eventually, I became a pressure cooker. I had to look outwards.

They say Zhong Hao has that tortured look on his face.

For that, I smile at them, for speaking the truth. It has always been tough to maintain that facade.

They gave me very good feedback about my general behavior. It gave me good reason to learn more about them.

Being critical of myself: I have a deep fear of being insincere. I dislike being frivolous, thinking before I speak, lest I show my stupidity. I dislike being forced to do the things I dislike. I also have a short attention span.

Well, since I have identified my problems, I shall move on to solve them. Wish me good luck!

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