Saturday, August 28, 2004

Many Meetings

I entered my old school with that same feeling of trepidation again. Originally, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, I had to acquire my O'Level cert. For the second time, AND the second Saturday, I arrived at the Admin. Block only to find the General Office shut behind a wall of metal sheet. I cursed my own stupidity. I knocked on the door to no avail.

A teacher emerged, but it took me a few seconds to identify him. He was Mr Kwek WH.

Coming straight to the point I said, "excuse me, I'm here to collect my O-Lvl cert. Is it available?"

"no, the general office is closed... Come on a weekday," He said.

I am not free on weekdays! Curses! Temasek Poly is so far away from CCHS! I must photocopy that cert to get it into my APEL* portfolio! (Curses)

When I saw my choir juniors, I wanted to flip open a 'For Dummies' book of "How to maintain good lasting-relationships." They were so happy together and I don't know what to say to them at all.

"Thanks for the good times! Hope you enjoy yourself." In no way cynical at all.

Birds in the sky,
They look so high,
It is my perfect day.

I feel the breeze,
I feel at ease,
This is my perfect day... (Never grow Old, The Cranberries.)

My ex-choir mates were in JC, and they all talked in a strange language I don't understand. I wish them good luck - in no way cynical too. This was because (hugs to Rachel) my choir junior wrote me a very sweet note - on a 'Spiderman 2' Postcard! Yay! - that deeply affected me, stirred wonderful memories. I was touched that she even bothered to do so. It was yet... another good luck note.

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