I have been cursing a lot lately. The F word is simply indispensable in daily life. A gentleman I am not. The world is simply F~'d up, you know...!

The urge to write in my blog came knocking in the aftermath of a sibling quarrel. Fresh in my mind, my great brother, the ill-spirited oaf, the temperamental, autocratic bastard, just shouted at me in the living room for me to shut up. I was taken aback momentarily with shock, for I had been walking 2 legs, and talking in the corridor to Mother. His gesture was like someone throwing a tennis ball in your face. I stopped mid-sentence, and told him to fix the computer he had been mishandling, causing a problem with the reader, damaging CDs. Esp. one I had borrowed from the school library.
Enraged, I imagined seizing a kitchen fruit knife - I had entered the kitchen - and plunging it into his heart, to end his life. He can die for all I care, until my wrath spills over.
The mentally unstable is capable of doing such things in cold blood if provoked maliciously.
But to empathise with his feelings, my wise, magnamious mother gave the reasons for his bitching about: his exam's tomorrow.
It's my turn to bitch now. His bad mood is like a storm, and uncalled for. I mean, Have you heard of someone who plays - & sings awfully - noisy hard-rock songs at loud volume for self-gratification? Have you seen someone who treats the ones he's familiar with as if he had power over them; and in front of unfamiliar people, behave like an angel? He's a tactful one, he is. The one who is full of disrespect. How can he exhibit destructive behaviour so infectiously? At home? How can he be so rude to MY parents? He doesn't deserve such kindness.
Karma will overrun him. His bad deeds will be avenged upon himself, if remain uncorrected.
If you were to catch a glimpse of my thoughts within a speech bubble, it would take the form of a continuous line, forming a convoluted mesh that has a number of intersections approaching infinity. Otherwise, it may display the usual curses, and in Hokkien too... souveniours from my beloved secondary school classmates & friends.
With such a disruptive sibling at home, that cares only for himself, how can I ever focus on my studies, and live in peace?
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