Thursday, June 03, 2004

Cynicism is Back

I have told a friend that my life has been a crazy mess lately.
I've been campaigning for MORE SLEEP at home.

I think life is lonely and all that, your friends aren't with you, anytime. (u receive 0 msgs a day...)

You plan a daily schedule. You find something worthwhile to do, like eating breakfast in the morning - in a deserted coffee shop. You offer sound advice to juniors, hoping they would be grateful... o.O What else can I hope to achieve here?
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"As if having sweaty palms that slip while playing the guitar aren't bad enough..."

Q. What must one have?

A. Patience.
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My brother listens to weird dance trax... o.O

So far there is weak response for tickets to Colibri Chamber Choir Concert. I feel so let-down. Totally.

Sometimes I wonder what friends I have... o.O

What must one have? Patience?

Cynicism is back, and I'm spelling: D-O-U-B-T.

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