Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Allegiance to myself

The other day I was just ranting about the Christian culture in Singapore. But I picked up a nugget in my subconscious mind that says, "no more". In which Jesus said to his disciple, who attacked the Roman soldiers, that there will be no more of this (bloodshed). The nugget has profound meaning in context that we can explore. To me, it means if you see evil being carried out, you will choose not to endorse it, and - going one step further - do everything in your power to bring about the triumph of good over evil.

Most of us have an idea what evil is. Satan is the embodiment of evil (ie. endorses evil deeds). To choose to sin (do bad deeds) is falling under the influence of evil. Satan is not something to be feared, but to be despised.

I relate to this while making my choices over matters. 21 years of age has increased the stakes and responsibilities over making choices. I hope this wisdom never leaves me, that I would still be in touch with God, or an inner sense of righteousness, in my darkest hour.

* * *

Videos that have reallly mind-f*ed me. The vulgar term we soldiers use, means playing with your mind. these are the life-changing videos that have been making me think about universal accountability.

1. The movie "Ironman"
2. www.storyofstuff.com
3. Youtube - Overfishing
4. TED's Silicon Valley CEO Global Warming talk
5. TED's British Scientist on Longevity (how to cure Ageing)
6. International Academy of Lymphology
7. Night talk with Dr Willie Smiths on Red Orangutans

I'm not fully buying some of this stuff. Because they have made me raise eyebrows many times.

I tried to recall the exclusive afternoon talk by Sydney Brenner 2 years ago... I'm sure I still have notes. That's all.

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