I've got to get my parents to stop bothering me about my "bicycling adventures".
It's only an occasional bike ride I get once in two weeks!
And this lil' panda ate his way into my subconciousness. I know - it was Jonathan Soh, who always coveted the hello pandas when we hit the canteen. I'm not sure how's he doing now anyway.

you know, it kinda reminds you not to stay up late.
It's my fortune, to have a friend (YT) who's willing to spur me on, check whether I've done my homework, and how I'm getting on in life. I am really thankful, for the sincere reminders you give. Thanks to you (and your father), I have greater motivation to read up and further my knowledge.
"Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man."
A just quote by Sir Francis Bacon.
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