Thursday, April 10, 2008


This morning, Shir0i informed me about the prospect of receiving notice, the outcome of my application into two of Singapore's major Universities. Yes, after two months of wait, or 5 duty cycles, I was finally going to know what the hell was I destined for, or where I might be going after my mediocre stint in National Service. I have little optimism regarding the outcome - I can't tell you right now.

I just feel damn old now, because I realise, I'm turning twenty-one this year. It's just so traumatic I need to join a social support group. =(

Throughout my 7 days of isolation into a particular society of males (no complaint about them), I expressed a dire need to stay in touch with my inner soul, and my life's goals. Thanks to YT, I am actively in pursuit of my own well-being. I am learning how to prepare good chicken soup by working hard and being good to myself. If there was ever such a proverb. I believe I'm slowly being led to my destiny. =)

I swear I am still hearing and singing J.S. Bach's "Nunn komm der Heidan Heilandt" in my head, or in the shower. A tune I downloaded from choir 3 years ago, as a result of over-practising. I sort of do it to impress friends, that I'm a dramatic choir boy. So now I ask my choir director... Reuben.. what have you done to me??? =_="""

my bike - or my brother's bike - is now a speed monster. The gear shifter has been changed to quality cable from the low quality cable that came with it. I received some tips from the bike repair mechanic in Song Seng Choon with gear-changing. The tyres have been pumped full after the mechanic found the tyres to be soft.

I read that Singapore has ambitions to become a academic melting-pot. I scowled at the offending article on a page in TODAY. Sg - IS - a melting pot, thanks to the pressure put on by the hungry Chinese students. But I guess this is universal in Asia, after accessing sources (Jigoku Shoujo [anime] and After Dark by Murakami) that indicate life in Japan is similar, with obsessions with grades.. and etc.

I'll end this post prematurely because I'm heading off to claim my pair of spectacles for another seven days of camping. Alright. Drop the angsty show already. >_<

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After Dark is a novel by Haruhi Murakami, translated from Japanese by Jay Rubin. The novel describes the lives of a city's inhabitants after the night falls. A Varsity school-girl Mari, faces problems of her own and decides to stay out for the night. She meets the musician Takahashi, and they both ensue in dialogue, culminating in a series of events so that their problems are solved. This is really the abstract. Murakami works his magic with prose, by describing the problem through the surrealistic cum eerie view of, say a camera lens, and our reflections trapped behind the mirror. It is still full of mystery and wonder, when we revisit the book. Just don't think of RINGU beforehand.. Memories from that unrelated movie sends serious chills down my spine.

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