Wednesday, May 16, 2007


bloodstains on a tree.

killed by natural-unnatural courses.

If a tree fell in the forest
and no one heard the woman scream
Tell me, would the falling tree
have made a sound?

Or was maniacal laughter heard
under the rustling leaves?

On the Sad News.

Why did the girl decapitate
her poor mother's head?
Was she mentally ill.
Did she feel really bored,
Or was it God's will?

Why did the same girl
chop off her mother's arms,
but did not practice cannibalism
for them than decor for plants?
Or was it an offering?

Why does mother mine shiver with fear,
- feels a chill along a patch of her neck-
as she reads the news, as if
worried that I might -
out of naive human curiousity,
subject her to the same experience?

Is the Day of Judgement upon us.
Where every person shrieks in madness,
and amok runs around naked,
Or have we witnessed an isolated incident?

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