Monday, February 12, 2007

Pt 1: I'm not immune; Pt 2: Dialogue below.

I'm not attached. I'm not attached.

The world is a sickening place!

Good night. Good night.

. _ .

D I ALoguE (a full-length msn excerpt)


Dick says:
u have a girlfriend?

Dick says:
not bad leh!

Dick says:

zhaong says:
nah. troubled bcos I can't go out (on V day) and see all the pretty girls being taken

zhaong says:
no gf yet la

Dick says:

Dick says:
why so

zhaong says:
why so?

zhaong says:
troubled you mean?

Dick says:

zhaong says:
actually. I don't know. it seems the in-thing to be attached these days

zhaong says:
I'm seeing too many pretty girls getting attached too often

zhaong says:
so I'm wondering if I can do without a pretty gf in future (of course, 'pretty' is a subjective criteria)

zhaong says:
in my context also includes a kind and amiable personality.

zhaong says:
girls like that are somewhat in high demand, and I would expect to be almost extinct

zhaong says:
u see.. that's how i think

Dick says:
dun worry too much

Dick says:
u know why

zhaong says:

Dick says:
there're gals who are not attached out there

Dick says:

Dick says:
also think this way

Dick says:
not all attached 'pretty' girls get married.

zhaong says:
somehow, capturing the moment of envy is simply enough to aggravate my depression.

zhaong says:

zhaong says:
*heads desk*

zhaong says:
i need to get a life

Dick says:

Dick says:
your life now is studies.

Dick says:
my life now is entering army. period.

Dick says:
when u go out to work, u can easily find one!! trust me.


To end off this transcript from my private space with a fitting song for the mood:

"I felt that no one ever told the truth to me..
about growing up and what a struggle it can be..

blahblah.. tangled state of mind... blabla..."

Too much love will kill you - QUEEN

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