Thursday, April 28, 2005

Absence; and the limitations of blogging

I came here to explain my absence, though I'm not terribly apologetic.

Rule of thumb: I'm not under any obligation to blog away bits of my life Blogging is my past-time. However, I understand the feeling: sometimes you click on a blog for curiousity's sake, and find... ANNOYING! The thing ain't updated! It's like a goddamn waste of time... ;-) It's like having been cheated of your feelings. And how everyone else is cheating your feelings... Who would be sincere to you, out there in the real world?

The cynical me is acting up. It occurs when nobody talks to you, and you're getting antisocial and depressed; but you're secretly hoping your friends would have telepathy of some sort, and think about how you're getting along, and give you a call or so. Just think about it. In a moment they would be there; and we can crack silly jokes and laugh at each other. In a moment we would be happy.

But sadness is infinite! It has infinite dimensions. To take a detour from depression, you channel sadness to brush against anger, you obtain cynicism... (a belief that everyone is out to make your life difficult) You shut yourself in a protective shell and trade for some time alone. Some time to reinvent yourself - a house undergoing renovations. And when it's done, you'll be sturdy. You'll be stronger.

* * *

Now, as if I'm going to issue a stern warning...

Try not to use my raw essay... as your own stuff... I mean, now, come on. The most important thing, is to be true to yourself. (If you had any kind of code of conduct/morals by which you abide) I thought about this with my narrow-minded linear train of thought. In your opinion, thought-provoking? Simple-minded? I'd say I was under-read.

I'm stupid enough to write an essay for somebody else who will read, take credit/use it and absorb more through his own learning experiences and will never share them with me. But damn! Zhaong has published something for the masses. And the masses are a sea, threatening to drown and swallow him in the murky depths of knowledgable individuals.

(The occurrence of foul language here is neccessary to a limited extent; because I wanted to express my emotions quickly, and naturally understood by most people.) Like the quick knife tasting blood; one could use expletives in text to express an exclaimation. To make it jump out at the eyes. Or maybe not.

* * *


The past few weeks, I found my job at McD's. In the quiet restaurant, people come and go. The salary, you ask? $3.50 an hr. I see past teachers from Chung Cheng High (Main), friends from my class, and choir.

Of course I met with problems during the job. The rapidness and quality of fast food chain can be acknowledged. Yet the nutritional concerns must be addressed too.

McSpicy Double patties clearly contain Monosodium Glutamate. I'm not sure about the others. I know most foodstuffs are cooked in partially hydrogenated vegetable oil. Especially French Fries. * Implication: Unhealthy TRANS FATS. We pack french fries and some customers just leave out a lot of them...

The Lobbyist

They don't finish...
their nuggets, mcwings and dippers.
Drink their coke half-way.
What can we do but throw them away?

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