Tuesday, March 30, 2004

OK Computer rocks!!

Now that I've bought the album, I'm convinced OK Computer is the Best Rock Album of the 20th Century! ^_^

Airbag - flying around in space...
Paranoid Android - 'Gigantic' song, a fine example of progressive rock.
Subterranean Homesick Alien - alien abduction?
Exit Music (For A Film) - Romeo and Juliet film credits.
Let Down - spaced out. Helpless. My favourite!
Karma Police - arrest me! Cool.
Fitter Happier = more productive
Electioneering - I trust I can rely on your vote. Is this Rock N' Roll?
Climbing Up The Walls - scary screaming.
No Surprises - nice, lovely song!
Lucky - cool electric guitar solo in the middle...
The Tourist - almost perfect! Ending the album by striking a triangle...

Coldplay's Parachutes is also very good. X_x I mean it has very affecting songs too. How to illustrate how I feel?

Coldplay + Radiohead = Coldhead + Radioplay


Err... Sorry, I'm not thinking straight.
"I'll be alright. I'm just UPTIGHT!"

Friday, March 26, 2004


Me and 2 other friends (Shi Ming & Wong Chyi) went job-seeking. We arrived on our appointment 30 minutes late. A day in the life of a gardener, this whole experience was due... TO GREED.

Boss, a middle-aged, clean-shaven Chinese man, arrived in his lorry with a loadful of plants. He did not take our lateness kindly. We were instructed to unload the plant troughs...

"Why did you carry out so many? I said FOUR... only FOUR - and I mean EXACTLY FOUR."

"I am a DISCERNING person..." He said all this sternly, in English.

With the words drilled into my head, I returned the additional trough to the lorry. I got Shi Ming to sit with him in the front, while Wong Chyi and I clambered up the back of the lorry. The engine started.

The lorry sped away. It was my first time sitting in the back of a lorry. It was hard to get comfortable, squeezing in with the potted plants. Yet I felt a sense of compensation, with the wind blowing in my hair.

'Life is an adventure,' I thought.

We left the old Seletar Airfield. We were somewhere in the 'desolate' north, far away from our homes... We passed by fields of tall grass, from afar, an LRT station, and some shophouses in the town. We found ourselves - in the middle of nowhere at the gate of a private semi-detached house. We could distinctly hear drilling and hammering in the background. It was currently under construction.

This morning started at 6AM where the 'Big 3' met to take MRT from Paya Lebar to the North East Line, Sengkang. On arrival, I forced my friends to forget about punctuality and let's go have breakfast at Compass Point Mc Donalds. I could still taste that delicious Spanish Omelette Bagel in my mouth...

The Boss explained to us, "two of you stay here, one follow me."

We were to conduct weeding! Dig out the black roots of the abundant cyress-grass with a chang-kol. Roots that look like ginseng. Just kidding. It was harrd work and I worked like a communist...

WC and I were talking to each other half of the time. He was on the optimistic side. The supervisor, a men in his 40s laboured away by himself, and called us to help him, every once in a while. Carried fences we did, dug trenches we did...

"At least the working environment here is good," he said.

"Good?" It was questionable. There was a bit of quiet, mild sunlight - yes. The foreign workers labouring away on the house were calling out to each other frequently. Some carried along a radio. There was the occassional singing from a worker.

Three hours passed, we laboured away - without much success in weeding. Boss was disappointed. He drove the work supervisor, me and my friends to the Seletar Food Centre (near the neighbourhood police post).

Back to work, we met a damned salesperson. He said who hired 2 students to do the work? And I was angry - demoralised. I suffered pain from a blister in my right hand. I thought about the pay, all the time! Can I survive this day?

Instant cement - just add water. Twas some yellow sand that turned grey when sprayed with water... Was it clay?

"It is Professionalism. We don't play here." One of his memorable quotes.

We dug a little trench parallel to the wall under call of the supervisor. There, boss laid down pipes with holes likely to seed plants

I avoided eye contact with the boss. He was critical of me. If we were to be sacked, I would be the first to go!

At the end of the day, we sat a bus home. The journey almost erased our toils in the garden, as we discussed whether to return to work tomorrow.

We didn't.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Hail To The Thief.

What a weekend!

Armed robbers nabbed in Singapore.
Chen Shui Bian wins the Taiwan Presidential Election.
Barisan Nasional secures landslide victory over Parliament and States.
Zhong Hao gets posted into Temasek Polytechnic.

* * *

Armed robbers nabbed... I have nothing to say about that. But did the police find all the firearms?

Chen Shui Bian secures sympathy vote by shooting himself in the stomach. What the hell? China doesn't like this guy at all. With such a marginal victory, there would be chaos and disunity among the Taiwanese. It would be difficult to be president. Why are there so many void votes? I urge Mr Chen to step down. Yeah. For the sake of the gamblers.

Friday, March 19, 2004

It's not the same here without you.

On Thursday I had a great P.E. lesson with 3 other friends from 10 AM to around 12 Noon. We played basketball and street-soccer. I amused my friends with my cheap 'flying-shoe' antics. I had them in awe with a winning streak...
The end result? Sunburnt. I fell sick.

This afternoon, I almost got hit by a flying cue ball at Marine Parade Pool Junction. I was trying to take a nap when it smashed above into the wall behind me. I felt lucky to be alive now...

Besides, lately... everything's alright...

Saturday, March 13, 2004

None of life's strings could last...

'Clocks' can be wonderful at times, but can cause a serious buzz in the ear if not used sparingly.

I did not stay over at the class chalet yesterday... Costa Sands is sooo small!
No inspiration about OCH yet. I'll return to describe... No, I'M NOT POSSESSED. -_-

Colibri was fun. =)

Pretty soon I'll be singing 'Here Without You' by 3 Doors Down...
MaRK's blog!

Friday, March 12, 2004


This song will either leave you crying for the mercy of Coldplay or paralysed.

Grammy Record Of The Year. I like this song in several ways. But I won't elaborate on them now.

* * *

I'm visiting Old Changi Hospital today and spending the night at a Class Chalet nearby. Wish me good luck.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

I Get Real.

"All you have to do, is to decide what to do with the time that is given to you."

Familiar? Above, J.R. Tolkien as Gandalf in a dialogue between Frodo and Gandalf in the caves of Moria. What should I do with my time (in life)? Pursue a dream.

I got myself enlisted in an 'advanced' choir.

As for relationships. I'm not ready for one yet. I'm only beginning to understand... Nothing is as simple as it seems... I've understood the following example...

Worked Example: To Prove Girls are Evil

GIRLS require TIME and MONEY.

and TIME is MONEY... $$$

MONEY is the ROOT of ALL EVIL...
=> MONEY = sqrt.EVIL

= (sqrt.EVIL)^2 = EVIL

Therefore, GIRLS are EVIL! :p

Many thanks to Mr Lim Bock Seng (a very cool teacher in MI) for showing me this one! =)

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

Zhaong gets FRUSTRATED!

Zhaong gets frustrated when he does not have enough sl33p.

........... \| /
"Yawn..." :O - = @@*%...
""""""""""""" /| \

He yawns his mouth wide open like a black hole, threatening to swallow the entire universe... (see above)

"X'cuse me." :~)

People turned their heads around to stare at him. Some laughed. Others frowned angrily, and shook their heads in dismay. In those tired eyes, he thought he had been assaulted by shaking fists instead.

"Yawn..." :O {zzzz...}


Time slips away and slowly the Chemistry lecture comes to an end...

Friday, March 05, 2004

The Secret Machines.

Two weeks ago, I came across this new band, The Secret Machines. A 3 person 'techno-rock' band by nature - if there was such a term. They really know how to build up their songs... Watch out for 'Sad and Lonely' and 'Leaves are Gone'.

Forget 'Politik'. This is great - beyond Coldplay! Well, erm... sort of like punk rock. =) They let you listen to the songs on their new album online. I can't believe I stumbled across such a good thing...

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

Where do I go from here?

I've got 16 for my L1R5. A1 in Science (Physics, Chemistry). The rest are B3s, with an exception of a B4 for Combined Humanities...

-_-''' I can't believe I slogged for my Social Studies...

The auditorium was in a mess. Everyone dispersed shortly after receiving their results, with no care for past 'half-formed' relationships or whatsoever...

Later, I went to Zhen Gang's house to 'celebrate' or play 'Worms'. He was tired from the day's events and fell asleep while I played by myself. I got dragged out to the TJC Mardi Gras at 7PM. We had a good chat on the bus... since we had been in different classes from Sec 3... I paid $4 for admission. (Damn) But I got to know ZG's classmates - who are such wonderful people! I also got to know my previously unfamiliar schoolmates...

Saturday witnessed my eldest cousin's wedding. I had free champagne at the wedding dinner. (Hahaha!) Not to mention 2 glasses of red wine! Guess what music they played? Canon in D by Soprano Boys Choir, Kevin Kern's Sundial Dreams and (dunno what) 'life is a wonderful journey'. I heard Norah Jones' 'Dunno Why' a few times...

"My heart is drenched in wine..."

Yeah. *As I raise up a glass of champagne* (and eat those savoury brown/white heart-shaped chocolates... hmm... yummy!!) Life's good... Yet, something's amiss...

"Wish you were here!"


* * * RE-EDIT * * *

Sunday was the day I got stressed. "Where should I go, JC or Poly?" In fact, I saw this nick several times on MSN... I found myself stumped at the same question... I needed counselling.